DEERPRO Professional Testimonials
DeerPro is sold only to professional applicators. COMMERCIAL APPLICATORS, CLICK HERE to find a wholesaler near you.
Here are some professional applicator testimonials about the effectiveness of DeerPro:
” About 20 years ago I planted 36 mop head hydrangeas in a very heavily browsed area for 2 clients. They refused to allow me to use any repellent and in the next 5 years about half were eaten to the ground and dead the others barely making it. This year they had me plant 24 huge 20g fire and ice panicle hydrangeas and allowed me to spray them monthly with your summer formula. The deer did not touch them but the interesting thing is that we also sprayed the mop head survivors and they came back beautifully and even bloomed! This was not just a pleasant surprise but something never seen before in our 100 year history.
Last week we sprayed all plus the same number of specimen knockouts with your winter formula. A great testament to the efficacy of your products.” —Louis Palazzi, Palazzi Landscape Gardening Inc.
“Excellent Results. First Application in ’09. You can not compare it to other deer repellent applications. I tried different products for ten years before ’09. A successful product that really works. Thank you…” —Mark Johnston, Quinebaug Lawn & Tree Inc
“Easy to clean sprayers. Most effective repellent for deer, rabbits and mice.”
— Donald Lavocat, Lavocat’s Nursery
“We love DeerPro. We wouldn’t use any other.”— Stefanie Burke, Dave’s Tree Service, Inc.
“Been applying DeerPro for several years now with 100% success rate. Stops deer browse damage in it’s tracks.” — Andrew Fulchino, FLC Corp
“Very effective product! I have been using this and Chew Not for over 30 years.” — Larry Walko, Walko’s Landscaping and Nursery, Inc.
“Your product is amazing!” — Maggie Badgley, Drost Landscape, Inc.
“I just use the Winter DeerPro and it is awesome.” — John Sutton, United Tree Service